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A recent hike on Vail Mountain’s “Cabins” trail illuminated how to land “On the Path”. You know, the “path” where you’re living a life you love.

What Happened?

Not because of physical limitations, my progress up the hill was initially slow. I kept stopping to write notes about a new business focus taking shape. Ideas flooded my brain. Despite the steep grade everything felt so right. Easy. Fluid.

After adding a thought to my iPhone’s “notes” and I’d ask myself, “Ok. Got it. Thanks. Quiet now, Mind. Let’s just be here in nature. Chill”. Then, a few minutes later, more earth-shattering insights.

While in an Aspen grove, looking at the Gore Mountain range and hearing the Gondola One “Cabins” pass by, it was exhilarating to be in such a flourishing, creative zone. Nature helped me generate internal alignment like never before. I might have sprinted up the hill. There was so much ease.

“On Your Path” matters all the time. You deserve to feel ease. There is always an available trail. Perhaps as you age you sense opportunities narrowing. Not true. Walking the right path means choosing from the inside out, knowing that your work and life feel true to your nature and purpose. Access is timeless!

Get on Your Path: Here’s How!

All of us deserve to feel like were on the right path. Right?

Check-out The Seven Tips offered from The Trail. Then? Take the first step.

1. Steps

Sometimes the steps will be easy, carved out, solid and not too large. Other times you might have to take a bigger leap. Take the first step and then the next, one at a time. It’s ok if you don’t know about the tenth or hundredth step.

Just start with one. Keep going.

2. Blemishes

Some Aspen trees have spots black and gnarled. Despite your positive efforts. things don’t always feel good. Doubt wanders in.

Keep true to your vision and the blemishes will fade.

3. Creeks

Enjoy those moments of flow, when actions logically fall into place and you easily work around any challenges. That’s you when living aligned, when you know that the idea or action makes sense.

Be like the water flowing around the rocks, moving effortlessly yet with great power.

4. Skies

Like the beautiful Colorado sky opportunities are always there. See more broadly, include others and stay open.

Look Up. Ask for help.

5. Steep

Keep on moving upward even when difficult. Use your poles for help. Take smaller steps.

Keep your eyes looking towards the top regardless of the tough ascent.

6. Openings

When there is a clearing, stay attuned to openings. Look across at the horizon. Ask what else is possible? Imagine the feeling of achieving what you want, reaching the summit, without too many attachments.

Know that you will come out of the woods. Just know that.

7. Bridges

Connect the different parts, walking from one side to the other. Walk in the path of your clients, partners and stakeholders. Connect from one side over the creek or steep ravine to the other creating community along the way.

The sweet spot is in the community.

You don’t need to be in nature or in a Zen room to access your inner creative. It’s inside with you always. Rest, pause, quiet do help. Most of all it’s committing to yourself.

Now is your time to walk on YOUR path and no one else’s.

Stay tuned for opportunities to walk with me on a variety of “paths” around the world. Or hear from experts on those destinations for Slow Travel, Deep Dive . Also join me and other like-minded explorers for wellness and community, right nearby, at one of your favorite places, not too far from home. More to share soon!

Want to connect? Can’t wait!

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