“There are no strangers in this world, only friends (we) haven’t met yet.” (anonymous)
Not too long ago, a few months now, I was dancing with other women on the African continent. It wasn’t ordinary dancing. I was moving to the beat of drums, occasional hollering, and feminine voices belonging to a local village on the banks of the Chobe River, in Namibia.
Moving together created a bond that I’ll forever cherish.
How? 1. When Invited, Step In!
Everyone we meet has a story. As time gently unfolds day-to-day on any adventure, we enjoy others’ energy, when chatting around the table, taking in a view, and savoring a sunset, for example. More intimate conversations ensue and suddenly you’re learning about the many different journeys that define a life. The pure joy of experiencing something new and memorable together is magnified while we collect new and impactful stories.
How?2. Sit back, open your heart and listen whole-heartedly to the sounds and voices in your midst.
*Thank you to Ian Dooley Unsplash for the image
As travelers we’re always in relationship with the people we meet, in and out of a travel pod, at that moment in time. The friendship is right then on boats, jeeps, around the table, on a sundowner, witnessing the splendor…don’t miss it!
How? 3. You are where it’s at! Stay present.
Often our minds wander to the past or towards the future. Bring yourself back to being right there at that moment, with that person (even if it’s just you). “Being” is more important than “doing”. Friendship begins when you show up for yourself and others.
Thank you to Chang Duong on Unsplash for the image
There’s a special gift of friendship on the road. We become friends with ourselves, fellow travelers and strangers. As we slow down and notice each day we feel the miracle of our surroundings, life, beauty and relationships. A fresh perspective enters and we’re never the same again.
*Thank you to Ian Schneider Unsplash for the cover image