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The date was set. A place to stay was booked. Skiing was discussed and we’d wait to assess the snow conditions. For three days we’d be visiting a “local”, even better for a less organized itinerary.

Stepping off the plane we deliberately paused. We’re here. Cold air refreshed our spirits.  

Normally life is so planned. Days have a distinct start and end time with appointments and responsibilities. Here, perhaps we might adapt ourselves to The Wild West.  Here, we might let travel disrupt our routines. Hallelujah! 

Not feeling it? Here, there, wherever you might travel, it’s possible to create a more “open” schedule matched with a relaxed demeanor.   

How do we step off even just for a few days and Travel Slowly?   

Answer: The Planned and The Unplanned 

Here are a six suggestions for immersing yourself right then and there, now, without distraction, relishing the destination, the experiences and people you meet along the way.  

Enter and Pause.

Repeat. Stop and Notice. Repeat. Often. Let your senses give you information.


If you’ve not been to a destination take a long walk when you arrive to understand your location. Explore without a goal.  Or sign-up for a Kickstarter-type tour to garner information about your location and learn about what you might want to visit!

The “Schedule” Options

  1. No more than one activity per day and it doesn’t need to occur at dawn’s early light! 
  2. If you have time before departure research (or consult your travel advisor) and book some experiences but there’s no need to go crazy. Actually there’s no need to book to far ahead unless it’s an activity that always sells out. 
  3. Wake-up and decide. Just wait and see how you feel at the moment.  Oh, how refreshing it is to take a break from being “planned”.  

Peruse the local paper

What are locals talking about? What matters to the community?  Are there any events happening? Allow time over breakfast to taste your coffee and learn about the destination.  

Engage in “nothing” time especially for self-care

We don’t mean that you take all day to get dressed (although if that’s what you’re craving, it’s ok, too). Give yourself time to sleep a little longer and indulge in daily activities that often get shortened in the busyness of home. Take longer to eat your meals. Chew extra slowly. Meander. Read. Sing. Dance.

Resist Checking…

Resist checking emails if you can avoid this time-waster.  Email and Social Media are about life somewhere else and not about your traveling life right then. It’s tough to take yourself off of digital media…try it with lots of compassion for yourself!

Sometimes we return from a vacation needing another trip, so exhausted from too much activity.  On you next Get Away let your habits be disrupted. Travel slowly. Enjoy the “you” that emerges.

Thank you @BrunoMartins for the image

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