One of many Highlights, The Arrival was like no other. We had crossed the open seas, the infamous Drake Passage, and arrived on the frozen continent dramatically appearing amidst the late Spring, gray clouds. Feeling the cold on our cheeks while wrapped in long blankets on deck, we were spellbound by the bold and magical Antarctica Peninsula.
Highlights are memories that stay vivid over time.
The sound of the swimming Adele penguins gently leaping in and out of the water was as wonderful as the sight of the adorable birds so near the kayak! We’ll never forget paddling quietly along the shore (not too far from James Ross Island (where we had walked on “fast” ice), witnessing water, snow, sky and wildlife merriment.
Although “Best Of” lists inspire us, Golden Nuggets are extremely personal. Even when shared, travel experiences are no one else’s except your own.

On Thanksgiving evening with snow flurries dropping into the zodiac, we followed behind our remarkable ship, The Endurace, as it carved a path through icy water. The captain explored the Lemaire Channel and Flandres Bay with such glee, whether landing on the ice or smashing through it.
Most evenings after dinner we visited the Bridge and interacted with the energetic crew. We felt safe and mesmerized by the navigational technology and digital maps.

With bad weather along the western Antarctic Peninsula the Expedition team and ship’s crew nimbly adjusted course. We awoke in The Weddell Sea. Although not part of the original itinerary we found blue-sky and sun shining on massive Tabletop icebergs. The sun did not set on the stunning landscape until 11:00 pm.
Like the stability of a majestic iceberg we turn towards our travel recollections for reassurance. Endearing memories act as a compass for beauty in the world.

After returning home from a trip we’re often consumed with catching up in our daily lives. Suddenly that destination feels so far, far away, almost as if we never visited. This happens! Don’t feel dismayed.
We always have access to our most memorable travel experiences. Wherever and whenever you travel, the Highlights are within. You just have to notice.
Here are Four Ways for traveling again and again to places you love:
- Talk about a trip with your travel companions. Ask: “When you look back, what stands out?”
- Before falling to sleep, consider what you feel thankful for about a destination.
- If you keep a journal, re-read the entries.
- Peruse photos. Images will create an emotion!