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Insights pop into our minds when we’re gently and quietly out in the world. Recently on a late Friday evening, I went to Walmart in search of Amaryllis kits.  Despite customers coming and going, the snow had begun to fall and lights twinkled in the parking lot. Inside parents crowded the toy department and shoppers congregated in the seasonal area searching for holiday decorations.  

It was a typical scene for this time of year and then it wasn’t. 

I asked the friendly cashier, “Are you almost done for the day?”.  

“Yes, I’m done but haven’t left yet. Did you work today?” 

“Yes,” I answered

“ Was it a good day?”

 “Yes, thank you. It felt productive.” 

“What do you do?”  

“I own a travel agency”, thinking my reply sounded self-important.


“I don’t think about traveling much.”

And that’s ok, I thought. You have other concerns as do most people in our country and throughout the world. Travel is expensive.

Pause. Scan. Ding. Bag.

Beach Light

“You know”, I say. “We don’t have to go anywhere to travel. We can live as travelers everyday as long as we notice. When we go out the door, looking around, even… noticing a pretty tree.”


Finding Beauty.

Sharing Good.

He asked, “Where would you go if you could go anywhere?” Great question. Dreaming is good.

“I hope you get home soon. Thank you for your help and the conversation” (and it’s snowing like crazy outside. Will you drive? Take a bus? Do you have a long way to commute?”  I silently wished him well, to be without suffering and to feel safe.) My core was stirred. 

While traveling our daily lives we can offer goodwill towards others: respect, kindness, bright light shining from the soul. 

Creating goodwill is a state-of-mind. It’s reciprocal and means prioritizing generosity, bigger than any “To Do”. When we show up first as our best self, we flourish, others benefit and community grows.

Of course we all have moments when our behavior is less inspiring. Here are a few tips for cultivating a lightness regardless of  inner and outer chaos.

  1. Light candles and reflect upon the joys in your life and struggles of those in need. Be specific and send well wishes to people, naming them in your outreach to the universe. Start close-in in your reflections and then expand.

2. Notice by Slowing Down

At this busy time of year, when undoubtedly rushing, strive to Slow Down, at least enough to appreciate where you are. Breathe deeply between tasks and moving from place to place..

3. Arrive as if for the first time.

You’ve shopped for groceries hundreds of times at the same store. Enter fully present and with gratitude. You’ll be amazed at the goodness you give and take right then and there.

The Winter Solstice has just passed.  Here’s wishing for a 2024 full of possibility for good.

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