If I was a bear I’d be walking on the mountain-trail eating berries along the way, not worried about meeting a human. Oh, those delicious newly-ripened raspberries. Where do You Walk?
If I was our black Labradoodle, King Louis, I’d focus on the Sweet Cream ice cream cone in peoples’ hands, happily picking up crumbs off the sidewalk and wag my tail at other dogs frolicking nearby. Attention comes naturally. There’s only what’s happening at the moment. How do you go out for a walk?
Walking, wandering, and sauntering combine well with any trip. You can only go so fast or so far. You must Slow Down and notice. You become a Local.
For many of us, moving at a relaxed pace is counter-intuitive. We want to get to the destination, have a goal, see everything and move, move, move. Thankfully travel offers us the opportunity to change this paradigm.
Some of our favorite itineraries include trekking trips (please see some suggestions and resources below). When landing somewhere new, we almost always kick-start our bodies by walking around the city either on organized experience or our own. “Walking The Horizon”- – just going out the door, without a specific agenda, can be profound.
Even if you’re not traveling, starting or ending your day with a walk creates balance and almost a sense of relief. You’re creating a little space for yourself and if not alone, Loved Ones or friends. You acknowledge what you intend for the day or let go of what wasn’t positive. It’s also easy to feel grateful. When starting to date, a long-time friend initiated an end-of-the-day walk with her partner-to-be. They’ve been married for thirty-five years- just saying!

When out for a stroll allow your mind to become quiet. Notice your thinking and let thoughts float away staying in a centered place. Allow you body to align with your mind and heart. Only when we truly settle into a calm place will our heart speak. Listen well and with kindness to what’s within.
Traveling and walking go hand-in-hand creating a rich experience. Some of my all-time favorites journeys are from “slower” adventures on ancient paths…around Mont Blanc, along the Amalfi Coast, from village to village in the Cotswolds, or wandering around a Brooklyn or Manhattan neighborhood. So many possibilities, so many themes, all with ease, joy, and immersion!
At Spirit Road Travel we plan travel for individuals and especially private small groups (travel is wonderful to share) to iconic or off-the-beaten track destinations. Walking is a speciality. We’ve curated a list of some inspirational walking trips below. Enjoy and please let us know…
Where Do You Walk?
Curated by The Reubens, one of our favorite “classic” hotels- The Best Walks in London
Paris Chocolate and Pastry Tour – Who Doesn’t Like This Culinary Tour?
Ireland Walking and Hiking– So many spectacular places to wander in this country!
Article: Pilgrimage Walks – you need to get away; work through a change; rest and replenish…walking is your salve!
Architecture Walking Tour of Philadelphia– A Historical Gem!
Italy Calling! Brenta Dolomites Walking and Hiking