We’re not just talking about a “team” for work. Who is traveling with you in life?
Do you have the following team members:
*The Captain aka “The Ice Master” (unique navigational skills through icebergs and across choppy seas)
*Expedition Leaders (innovative, big picture, knows how to manage risk and bring the more timid members along)
*Naturalists and Undersea Specialists (knowledge experts who provide education and sharpen everyone’s skills)
*Cultural Specialists and Historian (Provide context, inclusivity, sensitivity, perspective)
*Photography Instructors (Helps you see differently and more deeply)
*Video Chroniclers (Keeps track of tasks and processes)
*Ethomusicologists (Offers creative genius)
This impressive diverse team accompanies and augments an experience on a Lindblad Expedition. As a passenger you’re assured to connect with those who fit your needs and personality.
Why a Team?
Team members will think out-of-the-box. They will offer new perspectives and ideas. Just by being themselves team members push you to think broader and deeper.
As a solo-entrepreneur I often do things myself versus asking for help. This is not a great strategy! Consequentially too often my actions focus on minutia and not the big picture. I find myself in the weeds versus on the vast playing field.
In November this will change. Our trip to Antartica and Patagonia will be all about the team, the many experts and fellow passengers around me. Their stories and perspectives will enrich mine. My photography skills can’t wait for strengthening. Those icebergs and glaciers will become so much larger than my eyes can see.
How to Join a Team?
To actively belong to a team we want to listen well, be curious and sincerely interested in others. We need HUMILITY. If we don’t have humility egos might object to surrounding ourselves with those who know more.
Face it…we’re not always humble. We don’t often listen well. It’s hard to ask for help.
The act of asking others for input assumes that you view them at least as equals. Our friend, Humility, knows that each individual has talent and treasure, and in most cases, experiences far exceeding anything we could have imagined…this is why you want people on your team in the first place.
When considering your life team start with your partner, HUMILITY. Gulp. Breathe.
*Listen well
*Be curious
*Realize the benefits of surrounding yourself with people who are better than you
*Find an Ice Master!
Who else should be on your team? Whose talents are you not utilizing?
#iconicdestinations #innertravel #goboldly #amazingplace #travellife #nationalgeographic #southernocean #antartica #LivignAsATraveler #curiousity