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May You Be Well: A Compassion Practice
May you be well
without suffering which isn’t also possible in life. Compassion is a reliable companion.
May you be well 
and feel safe with yourself as an ally, wherever you are.
May you be well 
even when facing difficulties, finding solace from within, knowing that you are never truly alone. 
May you be well 
and enjoy who you’re with, fulfilling a need to connect.
May you be well 
and experience the beauty in the world: a cloud floating in the blue sky, a simple flower growing from the verdant earth, a gigantic tree providing shelter, a vast ocean constantly on the move, majestic mountains reminding us to stand tall.
May you be well 
in loving relationships wrapped in a constant unconditional cocoon.
May you be well 
in your body, strong and healthy with natural energy, a quick laugh and twinkle forever sparkling in your eye.
May you be well 
in your mind, aware of those pesky thoughts still offering insights, without bullying, acquiescing to your truth. 
May you be well 
in your spirit, knowing that you are loved; the universe has your back. It’s time for you to shine; it was and it is now and it will always be about bringing your gifts. There’s no one else like you.
May you be well 
so your heart is open and patience for understanding thrives.
May you wish others well, even those you disagree with, since this is how we’ll get along.
May you be well, dear friends. May you be well.